Htc Touch Hd Windows 6.5 Install
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However there are other forums that have the upgrades available but you will lose your warranty should you experience problems. Click
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Kind Regards, Tim P S Stafford 9KI 25 Nov 2009 From what i can gather on the internet, yes the upgrade is specific to the serial number locaed under the battery & that serial number is specific to their regions of sales.. Zuerst you have to update firmware on the card, which in the case of the Netgear device includes asking for a fall goddess at full moon and other technical arcana that I will leave Netgear incredibly well-written documentation.. 0 only, meaning that it will not be capable of updating to Windows Mobile 7 0 and getting the new Mango update.. Add the thread to del icio us Bookmark in Technorati Share on facebook Twitter Stumble this thread site generated with 7 queries SEO by vBSEO.. You can also customize it to your needs, and in my case, I post a launch icon for FaceBook, Google Maps, and Geek. 2
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Although I was not able to find this information on the HTC website(it is possible because it may not be on there if it's a legacy device), I was able to find this information on 3rd party websites such as the ones below: Though this device is not able to update to 7. Click
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I did some research on this phone, and unfortunately it does like it was intended for Windows Mobile 6.. HTC Touch2 is still a good smartphone, but only if sold at a great price, or I think people are looking for more advanced solutions, and Android is so much better for now.. com The weather also plays a prominent role in the home screen experience with funky animations that play based on weather outside and time of day. 773a7aa168
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Htc Windows Phone 7 5 UpdateHello craign69, Thank you for posting on the Microsoft Answers forum.. 0, you may want to check with carrier and see if your eligible for either a free or discounted upgrade.. I hope this helps resolve the issue, if not please reply so that we can continue working towards a resolution. Click